Not my fault...
...but Hodmandod Senior's.

Hodmandod Senior is re-learning Latin, and a good place to find books in Latin is a second hand book shop. I resisted the shelves in the first British Heart Foundation shop, and then the shelves of the second, but then we hit the Oxfam shop, and it was, I'm afraid, my undoing.

Hodmandod Senior is re-learning Latin, and a good place to find books in Latin is a second hand book shop. I resisted the shelves in the first British Heart Foundation shop, and then the shelves of the second, but then we hit the Oxfam shop, and it was, I'm afraid, my undoing.
Oooo how exciting a fresh pile of books. I read 'Eve Green' and was so surprised by how good it was, somehow the cover image and blurb sells it very short. I loved 'Fred and Edie' too - I've raved loads about how Jill Dawson is my favourite newly found author. She astounds me. Will look forward to hearing how you find them in due course.
(regarding a previous comment - I didn't actually review 'Haunted' but wrote some comments on its Goodreads review page - I'm sisterimapoet about 11 down -
Yes, Jem - I agree about the cover of Eve looks a bit 'light' somehow, though difficult to put my finger on why, exactly. I agree with your assessment of Jill Dawson. I've read two of her books - WILD BOY and WATCH ME DISAPPEAR - both excellent, though for me, WILD BOY was my favourite. Been wanting to read her most famous for ages, so when I saw it there, I just had to get it.
Shall have a look at Good Reads...
Glad to see you have Crow Lake on there (albeit at the bottom ;-) )
It is a while since I read it, but I remember enjoying it. I look forward to reading your views about it -- eventually!
Maxine: I read THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BRIDGE and loved it - so been wanting to read CROW LAKE for some time. I found this in all the charity shops...don't know what that signifies - except there are lots of copies around, perhaps.
I've read Crow Lake too and enjoyed it.
Further recommendation. Thanks CB - this will have to go to the top of the pile.
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