Friday, January 04, 2008

A Package from Lulu

I am a lucky woman because I am still in contact with two of my favourite teachers from school: 'Mr Kirk' (I still have trouble calling him 'Martin') who taught me all subjects when I was about 11, and 'Mr Anderson' who I was supposed to call 'John' even at school (it was the progressive sort - which I loved) who taught me 'Humanities' (a mixture of 'Community Studies' and English) when I was about 16.

I discovered over Christmas that John Anderson's book RETOUCHING THE RAINBOW is now available from Lulu, so I ordered myself a copy. It came today. I was very interested how a Lulu book would turn out and I have to report that it indistinguishable from a book produced from a conventional publisher. I find this very encouraging.

The book is on various aspects of the rainbow - its religious and artistic symbolism. It looks fascinating. I can't wait to read it.


Blogger Maxine Clarke said...

What a beautiful cover. I hadn't thought until I saw it, but of course now it is obvious, that if you publish your book yourself, you can choose your own cover (I suppose) instead of having someone else do it. That sounds nice.
Lovely how you are still in touch with not one but two teachers after all this time. And that they should both be so creative.

Fri Jan 04, 10:47:00 pm  
Blogger Lenard Neal said...

That is absolutely beautiful. I want one for my daughter and myself.

It's gorgeous. Really.

Sat Jan 05, 01:46:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, that is interesting...

When my daughter was at a workshop for the Center for Cartoon Studies, I saw one of Lulu's full-color books. It looked pretty darn good. The writer-artist said the colors were accurate, too.

Sat Jan 05, 04:44:00 am  
Blogger Jan said...

Lulu looks good.
You cant always tell a book by its cover ( as "they" say) but it certainly grabs your initial attention...

Sat Jan 05, 06:11:00 am  
Blogger Lee said...

Nick Green, a middle-grade children's author whose The Cat Kin was first published via Lulu and then picked up by Faber & Faber, is also quite happy with Lulu's efficiency and results. In fact, since he's had the same sort of problem as you, Clare - numbers! - he's now issued the second book in the series, Cat Paw, with Lulu, at least temporarily while the German edition of no. 1 is being published. The Lulu cover too is lovely - much more eye-catching than F&F's art work!

I may try them to make an archive copy of Mortal Ghost for my family and will let you know how it all goes if I do.

Sat Jan 05, 07:27:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you all like that look of this - I've dipped in and shall dip in a bit more tomorrow. I think it is such a good idea. John dedicates the book to his family 'a cooked meal instead of half-baked ideas' he says.

And yes, Lulu does look good. I f my Patagonia book is taken by anyone I think I might give it a go.

Sat Jan 05, 04:40:00 pm  
Blogger Lee said...

Well, you've got several buyers right here, I'm willing to reckon. I'm dying to read it ...

Sat Jan 05, 05:46:00 pm  
Blogger Marly Youmans said...

I'm still pondering how one gets an entire book out of the topic, which is fascinating but I had no idea would be rich enough for a whole book...

Tue Jan 08, 04:16:00 pm  

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