Thursday, January 10, 2008

Reading Like a Writer by Francine Prose - a brief summary

This is an excellent book and I'm so glad I read it. This week I've been busy making notes on each chapter so that I can bring them easily to mind, and find where exactly to find them in the book.

There is just one drawback: Francine Prose's love of reading comes out so strongly that it is infectious. As I read I ordered book after book from Amazon. My TBR pile has now acquired sub-piles and annexes. It is no longer a pile but a TBR village.


Blogger Kay Cooke said...

I really should read more ... and not watch so much tv. You inspire me Clare :)

Fri Jan 11, 10:06:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure you read just as much me, CB! I keep thinking exactly the same thing about myself - but recently the TV's been so rubbishy over here I can't be bothered to even switch the thing on.

Fri Jan 11, 11:54:00 am  
Blogger Maxine Clarke said...

Love the concept of the TBR village, Clare. Mine too -- a small town, even, after reading all these delicious "best of 207" lists on various blogs and sites these past few weeks.

Fri Jan 11, 12:20:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maxine - I am quite prepared you have a small metropolis at your place - judging from the very impressive number of books you manage to review!

Fri Jan 11, 09:05:00 pm  
Blogger Douglas said...

I loved Reading Like a Writer, and wrote a number of posts on it here in the fall of 2006.

A book that seems to nicely complement Reading Like a Writer is the book On Writing Well by William Zinsser. Zinsser focuses on some of the issues in writing non-fiction.

Sat Jan 12, 01:23:00 am  
Blogger Maxine Clarke said...

The books I read are mostly pretty easy going, these days, Clare!

To save myself going through the blogger comments system twice, I love the hair! (next post).

Sat Jan 12, 06:42:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, Douglas, another one for the TBR pile, thank you!

Maxine: I still don't know how you manage to get through them all Maxine even if they are easy going. I am v impressed. I am so slow.

Sat Jan 19, 11:24:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where's the brief summary?

Wed Sept 18, 10:27:00 pm  
Blogger Clare Dudman said...

Ah yes, I didn't actually write much of a one on the end, did, I? My apologies. It is a really good book, though. I thoroughly recommend. It made me appreciate a lot more about what I read and also encouraged me to start reading Chekhov. I notice it is only 99p on today too - an excellent bargain!

Thu Sept 19, 08:05:00 am  

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