What I'm Doing 23:

A businessman becomes infatuated with an actress he has employed to teach him English. However she looks down on him because he doesn't really fit in with her Bohemian lifestyle and views. When he shows an interest in the art of one of her friends she believes that he is commissioning the work just to impress her (a fair assumption); but he is not. It ends well. His two bodyguards provide interesting sub-plots and some comic relief. Perhaps not a truly great film but an interesting and satisfying one.

Washington Square from Saturday Nights and Sunday Mornings by Counting Crows
...and feeling very jealous that Ali and Nic went and saw them live at Liverpool - even if the main event wasn't on the stage for long enough.

NOW YOU SEE HIM by Eli Gottlieb
A book about friendship and the business of writing so far. The writing reminds me of Richard Ford's - which I also like very much.
What I'm looking doing:
Contemplating starting another novel - just for the hell of it - and because I desperately want to. It's in my head and I know that really it should stay in there, because I am trying to keep normal and sane - but I don't think this is going to last.
What I'm looking forward to:
Going down to London again next week to have lunch with Eli Gottlieb (author of the above) and quite a few others, I expect.
Is stopping yourself going to keep you normal and sane and all the rest of it? Personally I go further off the deep end when I'm not writing.
Nope - writing fiction is not good for one's mental health.
So long as you fit writing a new novel around aerobics you will stay sane SO YOU SHOULD "JUST DO IT" as nike would say... hey you will always regret it if you dont let it out. Lets face it you now have a new writing shed which needs using(and not just for blogging!!!!)
Love Counting Crows new album ..nothing new tho, very very the same as usual... you SO should have come to see them in Liverpool with us.....
You're right, Ali. I shall notify the community mental health services.
Wow that all sounds like rich fodder for the senses ...
and just go with the writing of the novel. Take it and fly with it. Why not? Enjoy London.
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