At last, at last - when I returned from spinnin' today this was waiting for me - ordered from Amazon some time ago.

It is by Geoff Manaugh, the creator of the magnificent BLDG BLOG, and it is full of stuff to delight a Hodmandod: underground places, visions of future buildings and settlements, even a section on continental drift. There are installations, art works and gorgeous photographs - all accompanied by Geoff's inspiring, fantastical ideas. It even smells of an art gallery - when I lift it up to my face and breath in I could imagine myself in the Hayward (I think maybe it is all that coloured ink, but whatever it is - I love it). It's a bit like having BLDG BLOG in your hands and I am quite a little excited by it. I've been looking forward to seeing this for months and am not disappointed.

It is by Geoff Manaugh, the creator of the magnificent BLDG BLOG, and it is full of stuff to delight a Hodmandod: underground places, visions of future buildings and settlements, even a section on continental drift. There are installations, art works and gorgeous photographs - all accompanied by Geoff's inspiring, fantastical ideas. It even smells of an art gallery - when I lift it up to my face and breath in I could imagine myself in the Hayward (I think maybe it is all that coloured ink, but whatever it is - I love it). It's a bit like having BLDG BLOG in your hands and I am quite a little excited by it. I've been looking forward to seeing this for months and am not disappointed.

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