I am delighted to report that my latest novel A Place of Meadows and Tall Trees

has been optioned by the actor Cai O'Leary.
(As you can tell from the font size I am very excited about this!)
Many thanks to Kate Pool at the Society of Authors for help and advice.

has been optioned by the actor Cai O'Leary.
(As you can tell from the font size I am very excited about this!)
Many thanks to Kate Pool at the Society of Authors for help and advice.
Well done, Clare! Great news.
Thank you, Maxine!
Not a lot online about him (a small part as 'Goon 4') but who knows what may come of this. This is likely the first step on a very long road. Even small film cost a lot of money. But you never know your luck.
No, there isn't on many actors I've found, Jim. Cai has done quite a bit of work in TV and theatre though, I believe.
And yes, wise words about the long road - but as you say, you never know...Anyway, I am just delighted that Cai likes my book enough to think it worth making a screenplay from it!
Oh wow - this is big! Great news, 'Place of Meadows and Tall Trees' is a book very worthy of a film. Congratulations Clare - I am very happy for you.
Thanks Kay! You're very kind. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Congratulations Clare! Hope it all comes to fruition.
Woo hoo!!!! This is fantastically exciting. It is such a visual book. I'm sure it will make a great film. Do keep us posted!
Thanks Sue - I certainly shall! :-)
I am so pleased about this--so he wants to do a screenplay? For a movie or a series?
I once got a rush of seven queries (they must gossip a lot, these theatre people) and then an option, but that is my only one ever. I didn't count on anything coming of it (it was optioned by a director-actor couple), but it was pleasing to have a book be noticed that way. In the end, they couldn't raise the cash needed.
On the cautionary side, my feeling is that one should enjoy these things but also not count on them until the film is in the bag. I have a friend who had a book scheduled for filming with Jack Lemmon in the main role--six weeks out, Lemmon dropped out for personal reasons and the whole thing fell apart. It would have made a huge difference to my friend's readership.
So you absolutely never know, and that cuts both ways--you may have a superb piece of luck. Something wonderful may come of it and increase your ability to reach a large audience and share your books. I very much hope it does.
Yes, exactly, Marly! I am determined to enjoy the positive things in life because they come round so rarely (especially in writing). I'm just delighted that Cai happened to pick up my book, read it and liked it enough to write a screenplay! It's great.
Imprssive about your 7 queries, though! Which one was that for?
I'm absolutely delighted for you, Clare!!!!!! (I think that might need a few more exclamation points. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Heh, heh, thanks Mary!
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