Summer Travelling (again).
I have a busy few days ahead: tomorrow I meet my friend Gregory and his wife Emma in Llangollen; then I have to give my talk at the Eisteddfod (which I have to check tomorrow) then go and sign some books in Elfair bookstall for and hour or so; then race back home and catch a train to Carmarthen.
Saturday I go to Swansea and sign books there, and then back to Carmarthen.
After two days rest I travel down to St Austell for a Readers Day, stay there a couple of nights, and the day after that go to Llandudno.
I don't think I've ever been 'on the road' (or rather the track) so much - and I'm really looking forward to it. I just hope it doesn't rain too much.

I shall be reading Traversa by Fran Sandham (one of the other speakers in the 'Away' section at St Austell's Readers Day). It is a description of the writer's solo walk across Africa and looks very impressive.
Saturday I go to Swansea and sign books there, and then back to Carmarthen.
After two days rest I travel down to St Austell for a Readers Day, stay there a couple of nights, and the day after that go to Llandudno.
I don't think I've ever been 'on the road' (or rather the track) so much - and I'm really looking forward to it. I just hope it doesn't rain too much.

I shall be reading Traversa by Fran Sandham (one of the other speakers in the 'Away' section at St Austell's Readers Day). It is a description of the writer's solo walk across Africa and looks very impressive.
Hello Clare - thanks for signing my copy of 'Meadow and Tall Trees' at your lovely launch in Chester. I read it with great interest and enjoyment and have just finished it.
The setting, of course, is the original interest - it's an astonishing story, which you bring vividly to life. But it's the characters who stay with me. Megan, of course - strong, realistic, challenging. Silas - I got to know Silas through the long journey of his loyalty to Wales, his shakier loyalty to this enterprise in Patagonia, and his strained relationships with others - especially with his pious brother-in-law Jacob. This last is delicately done as you describe Jacob through Silas's eyes: 'Jacob's bulk is of the soft sort, consisting of blubber rather than anything as hard as muscle'. The 'calling' of the Welsh to Patagonia by Edwyn Lloyd, the testing - undermining - of that calling by a series of hardships and tragedies, and finally the first hints of successful settlement - all are beautifully done.
An added pleasure is the chance to enter into the mind of one of the Teheulche people, Yeluc. His way of seeing the Welsh as they arrive, the way he helps them and is in turn helped by them, and his shamanic world view, is a rare insight.
Congratulations - I hope the book does as well as it deserves.
Thank you Alison - I'm delighted you liked my book, and much appreciate hearing your thoughtful appraisal. It is really very kind of you to take the trouble.
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