Happy Monday

Just come back from the gym (treadmill, step machine, rowing machine and everything I could find to challenge my quads - still working on my knee) and found this on the doormat: 'IMPROVEMENT OF BIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONS IN THE SILKWORM' by Yataro Tazima (translated from Japanese) swiftly dispatched by the Book Depository. I've been so looking forward to reading this. I don't really see how this day could get any better.
The could appoint an international philosopher king, dismantle the international and national banking systems, and they might discover tea and coffee plants that can grow anywhere. That might make your day better, but a new book on subject you are engaged with is hard to beat!
Heh, all true, Jud - looks like I'm going to have to settle for the book (even though it's written in 'special Japanese English' which makes things interesting).
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