Thursday, November 15, 2007

Adventures with a Plot

I now have a plot I think might work. I have been mulling over this for several days and it has gone through many revisions. Slowly the emphasis has changed and then the ending and then the denouement...then I saw the message and the theme had shifted slightly too.

This morning I had what I thought would generally happen - an over-reaching sort of plot of events - and today I have been working out what might happen to my characters within those events. There are just six main characters - and four really main characters.

It is quite unlike anything I've ever done before - set in the modern-day, completely made-up and very, as John Gardner would say, 'energeic' (or maybe action packed, I hope). Now I am going to let it 'rest' a little longer, do a bit more research in the form of both non-fiction and fiction books, and then take a deep breath and start.


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