A Quote for 2007
"Success teaches you nothing. Failures teach you everything...Making mistakes is the most important thing you can do."
James Dyson December 30th 2006
Which is very similar to a comment somone (Susan Balée, I think) made on this blog recently. I think I shall try to use it as my guiding principle for 2007.
James Dyson December 30th 2006
Which is very similar to a comment somone (Susan Balée, I think) made on this blog recently. I think I shall try to use it as my guiding principle for 2007.
I wish more people would say this. I don't have nearly the science background that you do, Clare, but my undergraduate degree for my first two years was in physics, and I always learned more from my failures.
Having sat through numerous graduation exercises, I can say that this is one thing that ought to be said but practically never is.
Posted something about your book--including a faux-Struwwelpeter admonition commanding people to buy it.
Should work, right?
Happy 6th day of Christmas & Happy Almost New Year!
Good quote from the 'cleaner king'. He made an awful mistake with the hose on the first vacuum cleaner I bought, but I stuck with him!
Love and light for the New Year Clare.
That's a strangely comforting thought!
My problem is that I inevitably fail to learn from my failures but keep repeating them.
Well, at least a New Year's resolution to make mistakes is one I know I could follow through on...
I wonder if he pays his employees bonuses according to the number of mistakes they make. Maybe they have an error quota to satisfy, or misguidance targets to reach. The person who thought up the £1000 washing machine must have been a mistake maestro.
Have a great new year, Clare.
Dear Clare,
May I take this opportunity to wish you all the best for a wonderful new year and in the coming 2007!
Have fun and enjoy everything you have around you.
May 2007 shed some light on all that you desire in the publishing arena!
Thanks for making me think, due to your blog. And thanks for such enjoyable reading.
Jason: well then you know far more physics than I do! I think we all learn so much by making mistakes - as long as we are not terrified of making them. The willingness to take risks is important, I think.
Marly: thank you so very much, that is such a lovely review. I feel privileged that you have read it with such care. Happy New Year to you too.
Minx: I am going to have to find out more about your hose!
CB: Yes - it is comforting, isn't it? I hadn't thought of that.
Lee: Yup, same here, sometimes - but when I do learn I feel I have accomplished so much - the victory is greater.
Twitches:Ha - yes, a most reliable resolution...
Jeremy: There is a Dyson washing machine costing £1000? Well I hope it is reliable and environmentally friendly at least ...and takes the washig from the basket, sorts it into little piles, feeds it into the machine, pegs them out on the line, sorts the socks into pairs, irons each one beautifully getting the trouser creases in the right place...not too much to ask for £1000 IMHO.
CFR: Thank you - and the same to you, very much. Every good wish for 2007, CFR.
Hey just linked through from Mumpsimus. Now checking out the archives.
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