Today I... a book;
travelled on a train, and then another;
listened to Kate Pool, then Michael Schmidt;
had lunch;
met a lot of interesting people;
had a meeting;
listened to Rayner Gill;
had tea;
travelled on a train and then another;
came home;
opened mail;
made dinner;
talked to Hodmandods Senior and Minor;
phoned Major;
and thought about the way the steam above cooling towers billows out but never seems to move no matter how long you watch, like the hour hand of a clock or the hair on your head or the petals of a water lily when the sun comes up.
travelled on a train, and then another;
listened to Kate Pool, then Michael Schmidt;
had lunch;
met a lot of interesting people;
had a meeting;
listened to Rayner Gill;
had tea;
travelled on a train and then another;
came home;
opened mail;
made dinner;
talked to Hodmandods Senior and Minor;
phoned Major;
and thought about the way the steam above cooling towers billows out but never seems to move no matter how long you watch, like the hour hand of a clock or the hair on your head or the petals of a water lily when the sun comes up.

And that little bit at the end folks IS Clare Dudman in a nutshell..
the thoughful scientist who paints pictures with her words....
Thanks, Jan - very kind of you, as you usually are - much appreciated.
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