New agent!
I am delighted to report that I have a new agent: Peter Tallack of the Science Factory. The contract arrived this morning:

Peter Tallack was at the journal Nature for ten years, followed by three years at the publisher Wiedenfeld and Nicholson and then seven years at the literary agency Conville and Walsh, where he was a director.
More importantly, he is the author of two books - one of which we happened to already have in the Hodmandod Household - The Science Book. This is a beautiful book, lavishly illustrated.

All of this is great experience for a literary agent and I feel very fortunate that he's taken me on alongside such a list of excellent writers - several of whose books I've read and much admired.

Peter Tallack was at the journal Nature for ten years, followed by three years at the publisher Wiedenfeld and Nicholson and then seven years at the literary agency Conville and Walsh, where he was a director.

All of this is great experience for a literary agent and I feel very fortunate that he's taken me on alongside such a list of excellent writers - several of whose books I've read and much admired.
great news Clare - congratulations. I love that science book! I have used it for both research and inspiration.
Excellent! Congratulations!
Well, I've already sent a load of confetti, but you can always use more: congratulations!
It sounds like a fit.
Rachael, Debra, Marly and Jan - THANK YOU! It's been a really hard year, but I'm hoping to move on now.
Many congratulations!
So pleased to read this news, Clare. Well done. I knew Peter during his time at Nature and he was a wonderful book review editor, and charming person. Evidently, he has excellent taste in authors also ;-)
I hope it is a good fit.
Just adding my congratulations. Excellent news for you, and us if this means your books will have a better chance of being published!
Wow, that's great news! How exciting for you! Bravo, Clare.
CONGRATULATIONS Clare!! That's fantastic news, mum's just been singing your praises, which makes a change from her singing at aerobics!!! Hahaha! Lovely to see you this morning... we're now off to try and find some red shoooooze for the cruuuuuze!! :)
Hi Caroline - lovely to hear from you - thank you! And to you, too, Stu.
Maxine - you are very kind. I'm looking forward to working with PT - he's been kind and helpful so far.
JL: Wise words, as usual - thank you.
Hi Kirsty - that's such a kind thing to say! Thanks to you too.
And Aquarius - I'm so thrilled to be 'talking' to someone from the middle of the Pacific. Thank you.
Hi Nicolette - good luck with those shoes. Red ones are the best - especially for cruises (also good for Art exhibitions and graduation ceremonies also!)
You little star, thats such good news. Keep the faith! keep smiling!you must be so chuffed
Delighted for you. Always so good to have someone on your side and he sounds like just the right man for the job. Hope so!
Wow, how wonderful that there is a literary agency for science writing, that is fabulous, congratulations! Do they take on fiction writers or only non-fiction?
Thanks Ali, Debi and Tania - and Tania, if you click through on my link, you'll find the section on FAQ very handy! He's mainly interested in non-fiction, and not just science - but will take the occasional novel too.
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