Saturday, October 20, 2007

3.30pm:`Dewey's Challenge'

Dewey is posting up challenges on her blog to keep us going...

First mini-challenge! This one is mine. If you would like to participate, go to Wikipedia and look up the place where your book is set. Post five interesting facts about that place in your blog. Leave a comment letting me know. I will draw one name from among those who participate, at noon my time, which is in four hours. If that person uses bookmooch, he or she gets one of my points. If that person does not use bookmooch, he or she gets to pick a bookmooch charity to have me donate the point.

5 interesting facts about public conveniences in London:

1. they are eligible for the Loo of the Year award based on criteria such as signage, decor and maintenance and cleanliness.

2. The word toilet can mean either the facility or the appliance in English.

3. The British term for toilet ie loo may come from Waterloo and is first used in James Joyce's Ulysses.

4. The charge levied to use a UK public toilet in the mid-twentieth century was one old British penny - hence the expression 'spend a penny'.

5. In the UK the toilets are partitioned into cubicles. In the US these are called stalls.


Blogger Dewey said...

HA HA Loo of the Year award!

I always did wonder about the phrase spend a penny. Interesting!

Sat Oct 20, 04:06:00 pm  
Blogger Eva said...

That Loo of the Year award is hilarious; wish they had that over here (the US). This was a neat mini-challenge; the book I'm reading is set in New Jersey, which I've never been to or had much of an interest in, but it turns out to be a pretty interesting state!

Answers at the bottom of

Sat Oct 20, 04:10:00 pm  
Blogger Sarah Dillon said...

those facts are great, thanks for sharing! Good to see someone else on this side of the pond partaking, how late are you planning to go?? I'm stuttering to halt already... (after a lot of blog surfing and not very much reading at all!!) Well done, and have fun!

Sat Oct 20, 08:32:00 pm  

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