Five Wine Boxes of Books
Emma Norminton has come up with a great idea for a blog. It is called Five Wine Boxes of Books and in her first post she explains why. Having moved to a smaller flat she is forced to restrict herself to five wine boxes worth of books. She continues:
'Having settled in and arranged the books in their new home, I decided to commit myself to reading all of them. After all, I had chosen each one, elevating it above its many competitors, with the full intention of reading it at some point. Why not now? I would work my way through the books I already actually owned. I would not be distracted by the temptations of new books coming out, by sudden memories of books I had been meaning to find in the library, by enticing reviews and recommendations. This blog will be a record of that project.'I confess I came upon the blog because Emma included one of my books as one of her first to review (for which I feel much honoured) but judging from her fine review of Carol Shields' Happenstance I am looking forward to what comes next even more.