Preparing to Speak.
Today I am about to embark on my preparation for 'The Talk'.
I shall need the books I used

the notes I made

and the photographs I took

to construct an illustrated talk about the research I did for my Patagonian novel.
There is so much here that it is difficult to know where to start. I look at a photo or start reading my notes, and immediately I am away, far from my desk, back in that cold desert with the guanaco munching on some frazzled weed and a flock of rhea skittering madly away across the pampas.
I shall need the books I used

the notes I made

and the photographs I took

to construct an illustrated talk about the research I did for my Patagonian novel.
There is so much here that it is difficult to know where to start. I look at a photo or start reading my notes, and immediately I am away, far from my desk, back in that cold desert with the guanaco munching on some frazzled weed and a flock of rhea skittering madly away across the pampas.
Can't wait to read the book. Wish I could hear your talk.
This sounds like a horrific project.
Thank you, Mary! That's so kind of you.
Debra: it is. I just can't bring myself to start so I have rearranged the books into different piles, and it stupidly feels like I've done something.
You wouldn't be planning on delivering "the talk" in Scotland sometime, would you?
I would love to - if anyone invites me I'll be sure to let you know, Lizzy.
It would be fascinating to hear about your experiences in Patagonia. One of the marvellous things about travel is the ability to imagine oneself back in the various places one has been.
Looking forward to reading your Patagonia novel.
Thank you Paul - that's very kind. I'd love to hear you talk about the LHC too. I remember seeing a sample on a clip - I expect even better live!
And yes, I think that the memory of travelling, and the way it opens the mind (probably for life) is one of the best things about it.
Clare, podcast! Wouldn't that be grand? We'd all like to hear it, and you're always so scrupulous--bound to be good.
Good idea marly - though I think a YouTube clip might be better, because I reply quite heavily on pictures.
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