The Squirming Mass.

From a distance the food looks like some indeterminate lump of something green, but on closer inspection it is possible to see that the lump is, in fact, covered with a mass of constantly moving tiny brown hairy caterpillars. Underneath I can see that they are each eating away a small furrow and this is giving the mass a spongy texture.
As I move in closer it seems like the larvae are hovering in mid-air as if already they are spinning silk. Perhaps they are. They already move as their parents moved when searching for a place to spin: their hind quarters locked into position and their black heads, outlined by a paler thorax, circling the air, presumably sniffing for food. Perhaps they have chemical receptors that will react to only one thing: mulberry leaf.
Anyway, the whole effect is slightly revolting, so I just had to share it...
Added Later.
Looking at the photograph I can see now why the eggs grow darker. I'd thought it was just that the egg-case hardens and darkens as a consequence. But on closer study I think the darkening is due to the black caterpillar forming inside. The indentation in the surface is because it is curled around itself in a ring. The case of the egg, I think, remains translucent, and as the caterpillar grows it becomes more darkly pigmented.
Labels: first instar, mulberry leaf, silkworm eggs, squirming mass
Okay, this is truly becoming disgusting.
Heh, heh - yeah, even I think so. I have to steel myself to fed them. It'll be okay once they've become a bit larger, but just at the moment - ugh.
So, how far are you going to take this? If these guys mate, you understand, there will be even *more* of them.
If you picked up one of the masses, would it feel all fuzzy, or prickly?
Good question, Debra. I woke this morning thinking, 'What am I doing?' Though that was more to do with the kilogram of food I'd ordered (somewhat expensively). So far I've paid my money but not heard a squeak from the firm.
But, yes, good question....I would like to see an entire life-cycle, because they shed their skins and change in character as they do so - and investigate them a little more. Then, whatever I have left I thought I'd donate to the local zoo.
Mary - I suspect they might feel quite soft. I would like to pick one up but I can't - they are too small - any attempt and I think I'd squash them.
OK - can I revise my previous comment - they are no longer cute. They are scary. I've always felt that too many of anything becomes terrifying. Imagine an army of jelly babies!
Still I hope their food arrives. A mass famine would be sad. But if they all survive and grow and so on... one day you're blog might just stop, because they've silked you into the house!
Ha, I like the idea of being 'silked out', Jem! Sounds like a good Sci-fi film.
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