Perverted by Language: The Fall Anthology.

Pete Wild is on the BBC Newsnight Review tonight (around 11pm BBC2, I'd guess) together with Matt Thorne and 'The Great MES' (Mark Smith legendary Fall founder) to celebrate the launch of Perverted by Language - an anthology inspired by the Manchester-based group the Fall and will be officially released on Sunday at the Manchester Festival.
Pete has also been busy on the Guardian Blog here. I know I've said this before but how this man accomplishes all that he does is beyond me.
I'm really proud of having a story in this book - the other contributors are: Steve Aylett, Matt Beaumont, Nicholas Blincoe, Richard Evans, Michel Faber, Niall Griffiths, Andrew Holmes, Mick Jackson, Nick Johnstone, Stewart Lee, Kevin MacNeil, Carlton Mellick III, Rebecca Ray, Nicholas Royle, Matthew David Scott, Stav Sherez, Nick Stone, Matt Thorne, Jeff VanderMeer, Helen Walsh, Peter Wild and John Williams so there is a varied and highly entertaining selection.
All the stories are based on titles from the Fall and the publisher, Serpent's Tail, have done a fine job - the cover is one of the most original and witty I've ever seen.
Unfortunately I shall miss the launch on Sunday since we are going on holiday then, but I expect it will be amazing.
Sounds great, Clare.
And have a lovely holiday.
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Sorry! A weird typo.
Terrific. Your short stories are being published left and right, and I couldn't be more pleased. I love short stories as much as novels - sometimes more.
I just spotted this book a couple of days ago at Page One Books in the Vivo City Mall here in Singapore, three copies faced out. The cover is really eye-catching.
As far as I can tell, Bryan Appleyard holds The Fall responsible for all the evil in the world.
Thanks Jan.
Lee: I'm afraid this is the last for now - nothing in the pipeline. Three this year and nothing either side.
Jason: Thanks for coming over. It's amazing your saw some in Singapore. How great! And yes, that cover is really striking.
Gordon: Yup, not all surprised about Mr Appleyard. Sometimes he's right, sometimes he's not - in my view. He's always pretty interesting though.
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