Lingham's Bookshop

'Well this is my favourite place!' she said, 'I'm always here.'
This is the back of Lingham's Bookshop in Heswall at the end of the Wirral (the small tongue of land between two rivers - the Dee and the Mersey - that divides north Wales from Liverpool). It is very popular.

While I was there the manager, Sarah Browning, kindly answered my questions before dashing off to collect her children from school.
CD: How long have you owned this shop?
JB: I don't own it, I wish that I did. The shop was started in 1987. The previous owner sold it last year, but nothing has changed. I've been here thirteen years and things are carrying on as before.
CD: Was it difficult to achieve a clientele?
JB: No, there seemed to be a bit of a demand for books.
CD: Is it difficult to compete with the larger chains?
JB: Yes, particularly the local ones like there's one at Birkenhead and another in Cheshire Oaks.
CD: What do you think causes a book to ‘fly off the self’?
JB: Good publicity. Once a book appears on Richard and Judy for instance, there's a demand. Also local newspapers like the Liverpool Echo have an effect.
CD: Which sorts of books do you sell the most of?
JB: General fiction.

JB: Can't think of many - perhaps very academic highbow books - but we have educational books for GCSE for instance.

JB: Depends on time of year. For instance we've made a display in the window for Father's day. We display new fiction on tables.
CD: What are your favourite books?
JB: Fiction, especially American fiction.
CD: Which events do you have here?
JB: Lots. First Thursday, author signings, talks. At the end of the year, for instance, Judith Miller is going to come along and price antiques, and we have Margi Clarke coming to sing books and give a talk.
CD: Why did you start having them?
JB: For people who had something to promote and also as a shop and community event.
CD: Which famous authors have you had in the shop?
JB: Oh lots. Jilly Cooper, Michael Winner, Joanna Trollope, Gervaise Phinn, Terry Pratchett.
CD: Do you have any people who are just personalitites?
JB: No, just authors.
CD: What was it like having Michael Winner?
JB: (Laughs) Very nice. He he liked the canapes and swore a lot - there were a few sharp intakes of breath in the audience.
CD: Which is your favourite type of event?
JB: Author signings.
CD: Which sort of people do you attract?
JB: Local people from the Wirral
CD: How long have you been providing food?
JB: Since 1999
CD: Do you think this encourages people to buy books? Why?
JB: Yes, because they have to walk through the shop to get to the food, and they can browse and eat - but have to pay for any book they get food on!
CD: Tell me about the award you recently almost won.
JB: We were runners-up in the Independent Bookseller of the year. We were nominated by the wholesaler for independent booksellers, Bertrams. We had a black tie dinner in the Natural History museum and Sandi Toksvig gave a speech - it was a great evening.
CD: How many staff do you have?
JB: 16 altogether, mostly part-time.
CD: What sort of person do you look for when you recruti?
JB: Someone who is interested in and likes books. They've had to mention it in their cv!
This sounds like it would be a wonderful booksop to have around! Well done on the interview. I see you are as energetic as ever, despite the marathon effort writing the book.
What a fantastic bookshop. Reminds me of growing up in Oxford and the "old" Children's bookshop on several poky and wonderful floors.
Seemed to go up and up forever.
Hope you don't mind me using this comment (as I don't know your email address) to thank you for your recent note on Petrona and for your kind comments on the picture of me and my daughters blogging. I have re-posted the picture you mentioned. As I type I am sitting at the same chair as in the picture: they are both sitting on the sofa behind me with their laptops; Malcolm is watching Australia v Brazil and chopping up vegetables.
Best wishes
I just love this post of yours, Clare! It's a real 'slice' (of life) and beautifully done. What a lovely area you live in!
Chiefbiscuit: Yes, I just Linghams was a little bit closer - it's a great place.
Maxine: Hello again, glad to here from you - yes that photo was brilliant - glad it's gone back up - an excellent picture of the information age. I think my email address is on my profile, or on the author page of my website. I shan't put it down here in case it attracts spam
Thanks Susan!
I could just get lost in this shop for days!
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